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Week 6: Biotechnology

 Biotechnology is a realm I have limited information on, but after watching the lectures, a few Tedtalks, and viewing the multitude of links the professor provided I realize it is a dense sector of science and often viewed as controversial. In one of the lecture videos Steve Kurtz talks about Biotech being about the shock culture from fluorescent mice to altering the wings of living butterflies to synthesizing bacteria into living organisms and shooting them into space, to plant modifications, Biotech seems to accomplish the impossible (and often in a creepy way).
While there is a multitude of experiments going on within biotech there also a plethora of opinions. "Meanings of Participation: Outlaw Biology" mentions that Outlaw biologists love demystifying science," and they "can exist inside as well as outside of science." This statement stands for the George Gessert artistic irises, Orlan's Harlequin's coats, Kathy High's bloody war, and Marta Dimineza altercations on butterfly wings.
Image result for harlequins coat
Harlequin's Skin Coat
Image result for marta dimineza altering butterflies
Artificial Butterfly Wings
However, on the flipside, there are those scientists and artists who discourage the meddling between the two categories as it is messing with the efficient cycle of nature. This opinion is most often seen in the food industry with genetically modified produce and arguments over unaffordable organic food. After watching the McDonald's food experiment, I can say I will never be eating Micky D's again!! It is pretty horrifying knowing that these synthetic products they are putting in the food people are eating do not cause the food to decay naturally or really at all! During the food interview with Michael Pollan, he says, "following the food chain sort of like following the money in Watergate." starting with the soil, to the farm, to the harvesting. Food can be followed and when it is people like Pollan can expose the artificial, synthetic additions that are thrown onto the food to make it preservable, and appear "healthy". However, Pollan argues if people were paid more than they would be able to afford organic food and thus cause the deterioration of fast food chains and GMO's.


“McDonald's Food Expirament.” YouTube, YouTube, 12 June 2007, 

Kelty, Chris. Meanings of Participation: Outlaw Biology? N.p.: n.p., n.d. PDF

PBS. “POV | Food, Inc. | Interview with Michael Pollan | PBS.” YouTube, YouTube, 16 Apr. 2010,

University of California Television (UCTV). “Animal Biotechnology.” Youtube, 25 July 2008, 

Vertesna, Victoria. "BioTech Art Lectures I-V." Youtube. Youtube, 18 Sep. 2013. Web. 8 May 2019..


  1. Faith,

    It is clearly evident that you have utilized many of the resources provided by our professor. I love how you connected Biotechnology to the Ted Talks videos and the lectures. In addition, I loved how you discussed Biotechnology with the fluorescent mice - and, how you talked about that Biotech seems to almost accomplish the impossible. I agree with this statement, as it appears that Biotechnology has the ability to connect many unrelated topics in order to further improve society.

  2. Faith, I liked how you connected all of the materials that were given by the professor. I liked how you talked about the artificial butterfly wings, I also discussed that in my post. I enjoyed how you discussed the food industry, I agree that it is upsetting after learning about all of the chemicals that are used in food.


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